hey everyone!!
so, here's
the scoop

I come to you from the back of
our bus which has been transformed into the NLT lab: Video games, music
equipment, and our computers take up almost all walking space! Right now
we are on our way to our next stop on the BANDEMONIUM TOUR! Colorado watch
out! I currently have no idea where we are, but the mountains are quite
lovely to stare at. I'm the only one awake right now, the rest of the boys
are in a state of deep slumber & and I sit here and blog to you whilst
watching a McFly concert on dvd!
The Bandemonium tour so far has been amazing! If you havent been to a show
yet, come to the one closest to you! The guys of Menudo and V Factory have
been really wicked and are super chill, we're trying to stay out of
trouble...kind of. =p haha. Anyway, hunger calls so I'll leave you with a
few wise words.
Go to and buy tickets!!! haha I had to do it.
Be well,

ps. it started raining!
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first of all, let me just say
check it out on our official youtube channel:
okay, so it's thursday, may 8.
today's a travel day. we're currently en route to denver on something like
an 18 hour drive. it's been a few days since our last blog, so i'll fill
you in. times & dates are most likely to be inaccurate seeing as it's
seemingly impossible to keep track of what day it is when on tour..
so far we've done 5 shows in 6 days:
The Bay
San Diego
and Anaheim.
vegas was a fun first show. great crowd, fun meet & greet afterward. some
of the fans brought us gift bags with silly string in them, so we started
a war right there in the middle of the merch/meet & greet area. apologies
to anyone who happens to buy an NLT shirt with crusted silly string
inside. all of our management crew came with us to that show, and we
headed back to LA that night.. but then we had a blowout around 3:30 AM.
we didn't even know, we slept through it! haha, guess we were pretty
tired. anyway, we didn't end up getting home until 10 or 11 that morning.
the bay was dope! you know we had to rep for our boy, our choreographer,
shaun evaristo. it was a really cool venue. good turnout. there was a ton
of people outside to meet us when we got there. anyway, the show was a
blast. v got a little too into it during our song "Better" and completely
dove face-first into the audience. that was a little shocker for the three
of us onstage! hahaha i'm pretty sure we were more interested with
watching that go down than doing the choreography at that point.
san diego was good. fun show, good crowd. i think this might've been my
personal favorite show. at this point we were finally getting a feel for
the tour & getting into the swing of things. thanks to everybody who came
out to see us!!
you know we had to kill it for the LA show. justin & v's hometown. kevin &
me being adopted sons of the west coast. it was a great turnout! there
were a ton of fans there, as well as a lot of family & friends. the
backstage area was a madhouse. there were probably over 50 people back
there at one point! haha but anyway, thanks to everybody in LA who has
held us down for so long. we love you guys and it was an honor to perform
for you all at the legendary sunset HOB. yall already know the after party
was crackin!! hahaha
the anaheim show was yesterday. we kind of all figured that anaheim is so
close to LA, there probably wouldn't be many people there. man, were we
wrong. the anaheim crowd was probably the livest one yet. i got a chance
to check out menudo's show, they were killing it. the show was a blast,
the meet & greet was a frenzy. there were so many people at the meet &
greet after the show, we didn't get a chance to take pictures or visit
with you all as much as we had liked. security was really sweating us to
clear the venue by 11.
i know i speak for the other boys when i say we couldn't be on tour with
nicer guys. we're usually all crammed in pretty close quarters backstage,
and i've really enjoyed getting to know the guys of Menudo & V Factory.
they're fun, easygoing guys with a lot of talent. backstage right before
we go on, you can catch all four members of NLT watching menudo's set &
doing their choreography with them. haha!!!
but thanks to everyone who has come out to all of our shows. we have the
best fans, and we really do love seeing you guys and performing for you.
it's like 2 AM, and everybody else is passed out in their bunks. i'm off
to bed.
denver, you're next. get ready!!
love you all.

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We just hopped on our tour bus,
which is (significantly) nicer than the one we had on our last tour. This
one has an air conditioner.
Haha anyway, after picking out our bunks and roaming the depths of the
bus, justin shrieked in excitement at the discovery of us having
satellite, and more importantly, ESPN so he can keep up with the laker
I'm already planning the shenanigans in my head and by the mischievous
twinkle in v's eye, I can tell he's doing the same. Kev's been a little
under the weather the past few days, but he's been a real trooper during
rehearsals. We're all pretty beat from the last few days of rehearsals,
fittings, and meetings trying to prepare for this tour. But inbetween we
managed to come through and do a little cameo in the new ACDC video for
For more info on tour dates & ticket info check out and pick up our new single Karma on iTunes.
The video is coming reeeeally soon, we promise.
In the meantime, we're gonna try and catch some sleep before the show
tonight. Vegas, you're first. Everybody else, get ready...
We love you guys,

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As you know NLT is hitting the road
this May along with Menudo,
VFactory and
GLOWB for the hottest show of the summer -
BANDEMONIUM TOUR 2008. Boy bands have
gone wild and is
tagging along! Well, kind of….
What's going on is, we'll be keeping in touch with the awesome guys of NLT through our blog series
On The Road With NLT! Each week JJ, Kevin, V and Travis will be updating
you on how the tour is going with their personal blog entries, videos, photos,
etc. It'll be like having a front row seat and backstage pass all in one!
Fanvasion will also be catching up with the boys on a few of the tour
stops, where we will ask your questions, photograph all the fun and even get a few
goodies to giveaway.
Want to tag along for the ride? Then stay logged on to FANVASION.COM for
all your Bandemonium Tour coverage!
Keep it locked,

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