Latino "boy band"

With Valentine's Day around the corner we recently sat down with the Orlando based "boy band", C Note. We chatted about relationships, dating, girls and even their first kisses. Check out our interview to see what these cuties had to say.
(L-R: Vincent Pesante, Raul Molina, Orlando Torres, Joshua Correa & David Perez)

anvasion Magazine: Tell us, what would you say is the most romantic date or Valentine surprise?
I think it would be romantic if the girl didn't tell me what she was doing and got me NBA tickets. I'm a big NBA fan, so a game and dinner afterwards.
Josh: I don't want to sound cliché or anything, but for me I'd like a nice candlelit dinner. You know, nice music and everything ...a little of a romantic mood. Seafood with a candlelit dinner would be nice.
Orlando: I would say going out in the middle of a lake or something, on a boat with a violin player and maybe having a nice lunch. Then ending it off at the beach, right near the waves all night.
Raul: I like to keep it simple, so I'd say chillin' at home with a movie. Make it a Blockbuster night.
Vincent: I guess a romantic dinner, just the two of us. Then maybe arrange something where we could be alone for the remainder of the evening. Some sort of tropical setting, with a nice sea breeze.

What would be the worst possible thing a girl should avoid doing on a date?
The worst thing she could do is talk about an ex-boyfriend on the date.
Josh: I've got a good one. If a girl is real insecure on a date it's going to bring the whole mood down. Being insecure and doubting themselves is not a good look for a girl.
David: If a girl doesn't have good hygiene ... like bad breath. That would be the worst thing ever for me.
Orlando: I would say if she brought a friend or sibling along.
Vincent: The worst thing a girl could do on a date is not be genuine. To not be herself and give fake answers to questions, you know?

For those girls that wait 'til the last minute, what would you say is a good gift to get a guy for Valentine's Day?
I'd say a watch...preferably a Rolex.
Josh: Wow, Raul's all about materialistic things ... write that down. [laughs]
David: I'd go with something I got from an ex-girlfriend that meant the most to me. Which would be my dog that I've had for 11 years.
Josh: Actually, since it's last minute, if she were to make me a card I would laugh. That's cute, it's funny ... I like it.

In your opinion, what's the most important thing to have in a relationship?
Raul: Friendship.
Vincent: Honesty and respect.
Orlando: A sense of humor.
Josh: I'd have to say communication.

Do you remember your first kiss? How old were you?
I remember specifically, that my mom kissed me as soon as I came out the womb. I remember that.. [laughs] kidding.
Raul: I was in the sixth grade, and her name was Chanel.
Josh: My first peck kiss would have to be when I was in kindergarten, under a cafeteria table. I don't remember her name, but I know that she took me under the table and gave me a kiss.  Then we went to go play house.
Vincent: Speaking of house ... my first pick would be when I was leaving for work, we were playing house. I went to go give my play wife a kiss, and it just happened like that. I got a divorce the next day and that was it. [laughs]
David: Wow, I think I was five at my baby sitter’s house, it was with her daughter. She was young too. [all laugh]
Orlando: I guess my first peck kiss was in kindergarten with a really aggressive girl. My first French kiss was probably the summer after 5th grade.

Wow, you all started pretty early.
Well, you know that’s how C Note rolls. [all laugh]

What qualities do you look for in your ideal girl?
I have to say just one, or we'll be here forever ... style.
Josh: I'm going to go with personality and a sense of humor.
Raul: I like a girl with ambition.
David: Yeah, to pay for that watch. [all laugh]
Orlando: A girl who's spontaneous.

Who is your celebrity crush?
Rachel McAdams, she's dope.
Josh: If anyone ever says this in the group, they know they will be hurt. Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls.
Raul: Sophia Bush ... she's single now.
Orlando: Adriana Lima, the Victoria Secret model.
David: I have a lot of them, but for today it's Jamie Presley.

Do you have any embarrassing date moments you could share with us?
Oh, this didn't happen to me...well it did, but it happened to the girl I was with. She took me on this night time picnic for my birthday and towards the end pulled out this cake with candles. When she leaned in to kiss me over the cake you could smell something burning, it was her hair catching on fire. Yea, I don't know if you've ever smelled hair when it burns, but it was interesting and yet memorable because I never forgot her.
Vincent: I left the house with not enough money to go on the date. I ended up having to take her to Grey's Papaya to get hot dogs, and then my car almost got towed. It was just one bad thing after another.
Josh: It would probably be having to be in the bathroom the whole night. I wasn't really on the date half the time, just in the bathroom because I had a stomach virus.
David: I've got one that's kind of embarrassing. I went on a casual date to a club, a little music, you know. The girl had to use the bathroom and when she came back was like 'uh there's stuff written on the wall about you'.
Josh: [laughs] Haha, this is very true. I'm witness to the people doing the bathroom writing.

Best make-out song of all time?
I'm going to go with 112's "Anywhere", because I'm willing to make out anywhere really. If I feel it I go with my emotions, I'm spontaneous that way.
Josh: I'd have to say Brian McKnight's "Back At One". Any Brian McKnight song brings the ladies.
Vincent: Wow, there's so many great songs. But, I’d have to say Robin Thicke’s "All the Stupid Things I Do".
Raul: I'm going to go with John Mayer’s "You Body Is A Wonderland".
Orlando: I'll say, Boyz II Men’s "On Bended Knee".

Last, but not least...are you all single or taken?
Depends on what state I'm in, Courtney, really. [laughs]
Raul: Wait, Courtney, who reads this? Like, how many people see it? [laughs] Because our answer is going to depend on that.
Vincent: You can tell everyone 'Vincent is single'.
David: I'm single.
Josh: I'm single, just as long as you don't tell Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls that. She'll be a little upset. [laughs]

Haha, alright thank you guys so much for taking the time to answer some questions.
Thank you, take care.

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· @ MySpace

C Note EP "WEPA"
(Madacy Records - October 25, 2005)
buy online